Video Engineering Day at FAU 2008

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dr. Luna-Perez IIT School of Chemical Engineering

Briefly state one thing you learned for Prof Luna-Perez during his visit on March 18, 2009.


Nakia said...

One thing I learned from Professor Luna-Perez is that if your going to enter a profession do it because you love to do it, not because you want the money because then you wouldn't be happy.

Keshon said...

Something I learned from Dr. Perez-Luna from IIT's school of Chemical Engineering was that chemical engineers are one of the most hardest working engineers on the planet. Chemical engineers just don't have one specific job, they perform multiple duties. For example, chemical engineers work with petroleum to produce pharmaceuticals, they use products like plastic, paint, and food products to design proucts useful in society today, and they also design processes to create cheap and affordable drugs for those in need of them.

Jasmine G said...

From listening to Professor Luna-Perz I learned that you should not choose a profession based off of the salary you will recieve in the end, but do it because you love what you do. Also, choose a career thats a reflection of who you are.

Alexzandria Micole said...

Something i learned from Profeesor Luna-Perez is that you must truly enjoy what you are doing in your carrer and love it for yourself, not becuase your mother/family wants you to or becuase you make a large amount of money.

Kareem V said...

From Dr.Perez lesson, I learned that chemical engineering had the fewest amount of engineers in that field than all other engineering fields.

Ashley H said...

One thing I learned from listening to Professor Luna-Perez is that there is more to picking a profession besides the salary. If you don't have the heart to do it you will wake up every morning wishing you had another job. You have to do it because you want to. I also learned that his job requirements ask for more than the basic skill.

Adija said...

There were numerous things that I learned from Professor Luna not only about The Engineers but what they specifically do. Professor Luna really attcked the means of Mecahnical, Chemical and Electrical Enginers. One thing that really stuck out to me and i will always remeber from is that it is imperative that you are involved in a career because that is what you want to do not only because of the money.

Alyssa Sledge said...

That engineering is field that has lasted over centuries. And that Chemical Engineering has a multiple of fields with hundreds of duties to perform. And that you should pick a profeesion becuase you love and not for the money because money can't give you happiness.

R'Che said...

From listening to Dr. Luna-Perez i was able to witness a person who loves his job and doesnt do it for the money. Basically he informed me that one should not get invloved in a career for the money, but one should be in a career that he/she loves and enjoys. I also found out how chemical enigeering has been around for many years and is one of the earliest engineering types.

Jazmin Means said...

One thing I learned from Professor Luna-Perez was that you should choose a profession based on the things you enjoy, and not on what's the most popular thing at the time.

Thomas L. Pepper said...

Professor Luna-Perez taught me about the practical applications of chemical engineering, and the magnitude to which chemical engineering impacts the modern medical world, saving lives. Professor Luna-Perez also conveyed a message about the variations of salaries, and how you should pick a career based on passion. Professor Luna-Perez statements opened my eyes to the broad range of fields in engineering that there are; that really peaked my interest in the versatility of the field.

Tyree W said...

I learned that not many people go into the field of engineering. I also learned that what ever career someone chooses it should be because they love doing it.

Randolph T said...

While Dr. Luna-Perez taught a lot of complex things to the class. It was most easy for me to remeber him saying that Chemical Engineering is the least saught after for a career choice. Then I asked him why did he choose this field and he simply replied, that as a child he was intersted in something similiar to it so he decided to go into this particular field. Those are the two things that I learned and that easily come to mind when I think about the talk he had with the class.

Randolph T said...

Yes Ms. Turner I did mine @ 7:12, the morning of March 31, because our internet and cable was turned off.

Arthur Jefferson said...

one thing i learned from him is how a chemical engineer applies engineering principles to there work. Also i learned that there are not a lot of chemical engineers in the world and that this field is in demand. Sorry this was done today but my computer was not working yesterday and it had to be fixed.